


Buy the full series - 10 sessions - and only pay for 8!

The Legal Series will bring together speakers with recognised expertise in various aspects of the NSW ACG次元网 System and provide a platform to educate, inform and provide solutions through short seminars focusing on topics identified by our members.



Buy the full series - 6 sessions - and only pay for 5!

The Legal Lunchtime Series will bring together speakers with recognised expertise in various aspects of the South Australian ACG次元网 System and provide a platform to educate, inform and provide solutions through short seminars focusing on topics identified by our members.



Missed out on our 2024 Housing event? Catch up on what you missed via this live recording!

In all the discussion on TOD rezoning and higher density housing, have we forgotten the ‘lived experience’ of residents? Planners have a responsibility to anticipate and manage these issues so that we get more than just housing supply.



ON DEMAND: Catch up on our insightful session hosted by the ACG次元网 (PIA) and the Department of Planning Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI). 馃棑锔



Join us for an insightful seminar on navigating the intricacies of merit appeals in the Land and Environment Court. This seminar will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the procedures involved in lodging and managing appeals within this specialised court. Aaron Gadiel will guide you through the complexities of the appeals process, offering practical insights and strategies to help you successfully navigate the legal landscape.



The 2024 CPD TOP UP series especially created to assist Accredited Professionals is now available!

In this four part series, our expert presenters will take you on a journey through the South Australian Planning system and assist you to gain those vital mandatory points towards your PlanSA Accreditation.

The online series is also great for all planners who wish to accrue 8 CPD points in a time and place of their choosing.

10% Discount available if you purchase the whole series! Please email our office to register.



The new CPD TOP UP series especially created to assist Accredited Professionals is now available!

In this four part series, our expert presenters will take you on a journey through the South Australian Planning system and assist you to gain those vital mandatory points towards your PlanSA Accreditation.

The online series is also great for all planners who wish to accrue 8 CPD points in a time and place of their choosing.

10% Discount available if you purchase the whole series! Please email our office to register.



Our new CPD TOP UP series especially created to assist Accredited Professionals is now available!

In this four part series, our expert presenters will take you on a journey through the South Australian Planning system and assist you to gain those vital mandatory points towards your PlanSA Accreditation.

The online series is also great for all planners who wish to accrue 8 CPD points in a time and place of their choosing.

10% Discount available if you purchase the whole series! Please email our office to register.



Introducing the CPD TOP UP series especially created to assist Accredited Professionals!

In this four part series, our expert presenters will take you on a journey through the South Australian Planning system and assist you to gain those vital mandatory points towards your PlanSA Accreditation.

The online series is also great for all planners who wish to accrue 8 CPD points in a time and place of their choosing.

10% Discount available if you purchase the whole series! Please email our office to register.



Recorded 14 June 2023

In this session you will hear from our industry experts on Temporary land uses under the Standard Instrument Clause. 2.8.



Recorded 12 July 2023

In this session you will hear from our industry experts on Building Heights.



This series is designed for VIC professionals.

The Strategic ACG次元网 Series will take participants from the ‘big picture’ of why we do strategic planning, through the process of managing projects, undertaking evidence-based research and finally how to effectively review the success or otherwise of strategic ACG次元网 proposals



This session will assist ACG次元网 professionals who are preparing to be an expert witness in the Land and Environment Court, covering off the Court’s processes, the duty of expert witnesses to the Court, and preparing and giving expert evidence.

  • Women's Planning Network


The Women Planning Network's annual retreat is a pivotal event in our calendar, bringing together professionals from various sectors to discuss and address key issues facing women in planning and the built environment. This year, our focus is on empowerment, providing workshops aimed at equipping women with the skills necessary to excel in senior roles within our industry.


Plan To Lead Urban Change

  • Online
  • 29 Jul 24


This course is now fully booked

This course is designed for professionals in all locations.

Are you equipped with the expert change management skills needed to spearhead change in your city, communities and region?

In this new dynamic course, we delve into the core competencies required to lead communities, key stakeholders and your organisation through transformational urban change.

Through real-world case studies, guest practitioner presentations and online interactive workshops, you will learn how to incorporate change leadership opporutnies into plan-making, plan implementation and beyond.



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

Local government planners are regularly faced with challenges in respect to heritage matters and community concerns. This course explores the fundamental components of the heritage planning system in Victoria as it relates to historic heritage places.

The course includes the history of heritage legislation in Victoria and the current heritage structure.



This half day course is designed for NSW professionals.

Designed for Primarily for statutory planners at the start of their career.



This half day course is designed for VIC professionals.

The Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (the Act) and the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018 prescribes mechanisms and protections for Aboriginal cultural heritage relevant to local government authorities.

The course will provide planners with a comprehensive overview of legislative responsibilities and requirements under the Act and Regulations – the primary pieces of legislation providing protection for Aboriginal cultural heritage in Victoria; and equip planners with an increased understanding of when and how Aboriginal cultural heritage is linked to the planning system and when and how Aboriginal cultural heritage needs to be considered in relation to development and high impact activities.


Join us for an engaging evening of cross-disciplinary collaboration at the Young and Emerging Professionals Collaboration Event, presented by the Australian Institute of Traffic and Planning Management (AITPM), ACG次元网 (PIA) and Engineers Australia Transport Australia Society (EA TAs).



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

This module is designed for planners who are responsible for delivering strategic plans such as Housing Strategies, Urban Design Frameworks, Economic Development Strategies, Structure Plans and Heritage Studies. The course will look at all aspects of project management including development of the brief, project governance, community consultation, stakeholder engagement, budget management and managing the client/provider relationship. There will be a particular focus on ensuring that plans can be implemented (though the planning scheme, capital works budget and other channels).



Discover the innovative projects and ideas that are shaping the future of planning in the ACT at our upcoming event - What I Wish Planners Knew - ACT 2023 Award Winners! We're thrilled to be hosting winners of the 2023 PIA Planning Excellence Awards from various categories to share their insights and experiences.

Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking discussion and gain valuable knowledge and inspiration for your own ACG次元网 projects. This is a great opportunity to network with fellow planners and learn from the best in the industry.

  • WPN


Public space takes many spatial forms, including parks, streets, sidewalks and footpaths that connect, playgrounds of recreation, marketplaces, but also edge space between buildings or roadsides.

This workshop will aim to inspire planning and design professionals to consider different user experiences and needs, as well as ‘think outside of the box’ when shaping safe and inclusive public spaces. During the workshop, you will work collaboratively in teams to curate a set of planning and design responses to reimagine public spaces located across different spots in Melbourne.



This course is now booked out. Register for the September session HERE

This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

This course covers the difference between the statutory and strategic context of the Victorian planning system, the layers of policy and the day-to-day process requirements of the planning office including statutory processes, decision making, enforcement and VCAT procedures. Practical workshops will cover scenarios for the application of zones and overlays and permit requirements, with a focus on most frequently asked questions.


Planning in Focus - Planning Law

  • In-person
  • 01 Aug 24


As the Planning Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 is finding it’s stride now, more than ever, it is important to be aware of and keep up to date with relevant court decisions. South Australia is a common law jurisdiction, with judges and courts making laws.

David Billington and Felicity Niemann will once again discuss interesting and recent decisions by the ERD Court and Supreme Court relevant to planning and environment matters.

  • WPN


WPN are pleased to have Maria Marshall and Briana Eastaugh from Maddocks sharing their insights about the leading issues and key considerations within statutory and strategic ACG次元网 processes when it comes to gender and gender equality.

Please RSVP by 30 July.



This session will cover HR & Leave practices for Women - How to address your needs.


An Evening with Urban Unwind

  • In-person
  • 08 Aug 24


An Evening with Urban Unwind is a new component of the Urban Unwind series hosted by Queensland Young Planners, EmAGN, Qfresh, and the AITPM Emerging Professionals Network. This event will focus on a topic that concerns each of the built environment professions in attendance: major games infrastructure.

  • Social

TYP: PIA Trivia

  • In-person
  • 08 Aug 24


The Tasmanian Young Planners Committee presents PIA Trivia!



Victoria’s largest infrastructure project, Suburban Rail Loop will deliver a 90km rail line linking every major train service from the Frankston line to the Werribee line via Melbourne Airport. SRL is more than a transport project - it will help shape how our city grows in the decades ahead. Areas around the new stations will be thriving communities for people to live, work, study and play – with more diverse housing options, local services and jobs closer to where people want to live and all a short distance from a train station.



This half day course is designed for VIC professionals.

Existing use rights are an integral component of planning law. Once someone has them, they are protected by the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and planning schemes. This session examines the nature of these rights - how they are established, what rights are protected, how they are regulated, and how they are lost.



This half-day session will be a traditional seminar-style course workshopping case studies to give attendees an insight into the key consideration of managing heritage within the planning framework.


The Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, the Hon. Paul Scully, announced a renewed direction for the NSW Planning Portal, which included $20.4 million in this year’s budget to improve NSW Planning Portal operations. This session will cover the changes and improvements planned for the Portal.



Please join Emma Herriman - Herriman Legal for this Legal Lunchtime session to explore how Infrastructure Schemes are set to work in South Australia!

The Planning Infrastructure and Development Act 2016 has brought with it the introduction of Infrastructure Schemes to assist and streamline the delivery of complex infrastructure and infrastructure funding in support of planning.

Does this mean the end of the often fraught LMA or infrastructure agreement negotiations? What are its pros and cons?



Important Notice: Due to unforeseen circumstances, this seminar is re-scheduled from Wednesday 7th August to Tuesday 13 August. The time remains unchanged: 1-2pm (AEST-QLD)

This session aims to provide planners with an understanding of landscaping terms, methodology and trends. Penny Spiers from Wolter Consulting Group will cover the essentials of landscaping plans.



This session is designed for professionals in ALL locations.

Designed for ambitious consultants with 7 – 10 years’ experience who are at an inflection point in their career, the program looks beyond technical knowledge. Instead, we dive into the knowledge and mindset that consultants need to successfully transition from capable doer and into leading change in our vibrant, sustainable and equitable cities.

Often, our talented consultants are appointed to leadership roles because they have demonstrated their skills on projects; coming up with creative solutions to urban challenges and thinking through analysis. Taking on formal and informal leadership is the next logical step to having greater impact.

But without the right support and skills, it can end up being a real slog.



Join Dominic McMullan for this half-day workshop which offers practitioners the chance to strengthen the skills necessary to endure pressures, proactively identify and prevent them from occurring, and to apply these skills to applied situations they have experienced or are concerned they might in the future.



You will hear from our industry experts on Planning Agreements.



This half-day course will examine the role of the expert witness and give practical advice on how to prepare evidence and assist the legal teams (instructing solicitors and barristers) on matters that within the appeal process.



Preparing evidence for court proceedings requires an understanding of the court process and the witness’ role in that process.

Attending this course with provide a greater understanding of court process and the witness’ role.



This event is to bring together Planners & Placemakers in the Riverina to network, share ideas and plan for the future!

Enjoy a local lunch with your colleagues, explore Meninya Street and the newly upgraded Horseshoe Lagoon and listen to Matt Sherman talk about the Meninya Street Project. Discuss ideas to combat the housing crisis, grab a legal update from Kell Moore, gain new perspectives and learn more about Placemaking from Christchurch!


Join a panel of industry experts as they dissect the challenges that are facing metropolitan Melbourne in planning for a projected population of 8 million.

Examining the challenges through the lenses of metro scale urban planning and economics, government and infrastructure, affordable housing and construction the event will comprise of a combination of short presentations and a panel discussion.

This event is open to anyone interested in the future of Melbourne, registration is required.



This half-day course is designed for professionals in all locations

This course will explain the steps and best practices to supporting successful land and housing development outcomes in regional Australia and covers the issues facing developers (government and private sector) and local councils to plan, fund and deliver land and housing in regional Australia.



This half day course is designed for VIC professionals.

This course will focus on providing a brief understanding of the types of agriculture, what they key locational requirements are, how they relate to secondary processing and food security and what types of use and development can cause land use conflict.

This course aims to build confidence in assessing applications in rural zones or developing strategic guidance to support the retention, growth and adaptation of agriculture. Given the absence of practice not guidance on how to apply decision guidelines and the strategic assessment guidelines this course will give understanding of how those guidelines can be applied in different agricultural areas



There are constant Court decisions being made which may change how legislation or planning scheme provisions are being interpreted, applied and considered.



This course is designed for professionals in all locations.

This course will provide you with an overview of social ACG次元网 processes, how these processes shape communities and how you can use the tools of social planning to influence planning outcomes. The course will particularly focus on demographic analysis, social impact assessment and social infrastructure plans.



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

This course provides planners with an understanding of the operation of the recently introduced Better Apartments Design Standards at Clause 55.07 and Clause 58 of all planning schemes.

The collaborative workshop provides participants with an opportunity to assess development plans against each objective and standard and learn how discretion should be used to vary the standards.



This training program is designed to help planners and LGIP practitioners gain practical and technical knowledge to assist them with the preparation of LGIPS and LGIP amendments and the day-to-day administration of the LGIP and infrastructure charging regimes.



This full day course is designed for ALL professionals.

The Australian Census data, one of the best in the world, provides advanced demographics information useful to inform decision-making in most planning contexts. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) offers free access to information and tools to ensure all planners can improve their analysis using graphs, maps and tables with demographic.

This course introduces participants to data from the latest Census 2016 as well from previous years. Participants of the course will learn direct application of the census data to practical planning examples in disciplines such as statutory and strategic planning, property development and transport analyses. The course uses free online tools, open-source desktop software along with applications in Microsoft Office.



Understanding the motivations, challenges and risks that stakeholders including developers, operators and funders are facing is essential if planners are to be effective in designing and planning for our cities, towns and communities.


PIA Victoria invites you to join us at Melbourne Connect on Thursday 22 August for the 2024 Kemsley Oration.

The 2024 Kemsley Orator will be former State Minister for Planning and Housing, and previous Melbourne Lord Mayor . Richard will speak about the future of our city and the changes required to reimagine its role for our communities.

  • Young Planners

2024 PIA NSW YP Emerging Planner Showcase

  • In person and Online
  • 22 Aug 24


The NSW Young Planners Committee is excited to present our first Emerging Planner Showcase event this August! Aimed at elevating the voice of young planners within the ACG次元网 profession, this event features a careers panel, FivexFive presentations, and networking opportunities. We encourage everyone, from university students and young planners to established industry professionals, to attend, hear our emerging voices, and share their insights and thoughts with the future generation of planners.



Yarra Ranges Shire Council has led the development of a world-first online tool that uses generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to improve the quality of planning applications, increase customer understanding of planning rules, reduce assessment timeframes, and reduce the planner workload for basic enquiries and requests for further information.

You are encouraged to attend this lunchtime seminar to see how the tool provides tailored guidance for applicants and links directly to the ACG次元网 Scheme, enabling transparency in the reasoning and advice to customers, complying with the Australian Government AI Ethics Framework.



Recorded on 24 August 2023.

The explosive growth in the technological prowess of social bots has taken the world by storm. As ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Bing force us to reimagine the writing process and notions of creativity and originality writ large, an equally powerful storm is brewing in the domain of urban studies.



Join us for a lunchtime briefing on PIA Foresight Report. With foresight, planners can help communities navigate change and plan effectively for more sustainable and liveable futures.



This half-day course is designed for VIC professionals.

Through this half-day workshop, we collectively explore how we can plan gender-inclusive urban places and spaces. The workshop is based on an Arup internal research piece exploring the implementation of a gender sensitive lens in Victoria’s ACG次元网 processes through a gender inclusion framework.



Do you want to be a confident expert witness? This half-day workshop will examine recent case law as well as draw on real life practical experiences.



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

The VPP parking provisions are one of the most contentious aspects of the planning system. Parking is often a key feature of objections and the application of parking controls takes up significant officer time and Council resources.

This course explores all aspects of the parking provisions.

The course will equip your team to confidently use their professional judgement with regard to parking provisions. It will streamline your ACG次元网 permit processes and increase local economic activity in the areas you want to see thrive.



This half-day course is designed to provide an overview of planning for neighbourhoods and precincts; it is designed for planners and non-planners. It will cover the context and role of neighbourhood and precinct scale planning, associated ACG次元网 processes, community and stakeholder engagement, statutory drafting and implementation.



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

The Victorian Government expanded State-wide stormwater planning controls in October 2018 to help protect our waterways, prevent flooding and divert more rainfall to our gardens and trees rather than letting it disappear down the drain. This is known as ‘integrated water catchment management planning’, and for some it is known as Amendment VC154. Almost every new planning application will now need to treat stormwater on site.

This course is designed to help planners understand the integrated links between water and cities, understand the role and scope of the new State controls, and to help planners understand how to receive and assess applications in a way that best achieves our new stormwater objectives.



This full day course is designed for ALL professionals.

Planners routinely experience conflict as part of their role. Conflict may be with the public, residents’ groups, developers or colleagues – whether in-house or inter-agency.

This workshop provides the opportunity to learn skills to manage conflict in the context of planning. It includes a reflective approach to handling the emotional dimensions of conflict and tools for dealing with high-conflict personalities.



Our 2024 Conference will take place on K'gari (formerly Fraser Island) from 4-6 September 2024. Join us for an inspiring and engaging experience set in one of the most beautiful natural environments in the world.



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

This course provides a deep dive into assessment processes and considerations in the Farming Zone.

The course will provide the opportunity for participants to discuss and increase their knowledge, develop confidence for decision making through practical exercises and facilitation.
Participants will gain an understanding about the broader framework of the existing legislative frameworks, practice notes and VCAT decisions within the Farming which will help guide their decision making.

  • Social


Please join us for casual afterwork drinks to catch up with planners (or likeminded professionals!) in your area.



There is a lot of talk about the limitations of master-planning. But what does the alternative look like in the real world? Can agile planning and agile placemaking produce genuine, long-term revitalisation of a space, and not just temporary ‘feel good’ changes?

David Engwicht and Creative Communities have pioneered new approaches to agile placemaking with their 7-Day Makeover, which has transformed over 30 town centres across Australia and New Zealand. One of the most successful was Wellard Village in WA.



This session will cover women planners making an impact - What can planners do for women in their work



Don't miss out on the pre-conference networking event hosted and sponsored by

  • WPN WA


Join the WPN WA for the PIA WA State Conference Networking Breakfast at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre as part of the PIA WA State Conference.


WA State Conference 2024

  • In-person
  • 06 Sep 24


Join us in the vibrant City of Perth for the 2024 Planning Institute of Planning WA State Conference.

This capital event brings together the brightest minds in the planning field to shape the future of Western Australia. With a focus on housing, planning with Country, and climate action, this conference is a unique opportunity to gain insights, network with peers and industry leaders, and contribute to the growth and well-being of our state.



The session will provide insights into the recent drivers and need for enhancements in the consideration of natural hazards and climate change in land use planning. It will provide up-to-date information on current and upcoming work, and provide information to assist planners in making risk-based decisions.

  • Get in quick!


This half day course is designed for professionals in all locations.

Many of us leave the written outputs for a large project until the end, or we’re required to produce a written report in little time. Strategically planning ahead is inherent in what we do – despite this, we tend not to apply these skills to our report writing.



This course is designed for NSW professionals.

This course will provide you with a practical and robust introduction to the NSW ACG次元网 System.



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

This course is an introduction to the management and assessment of a subdivision application. It covers the planner's role in the process, and the knowledge needed to understand a title plan, a plan of subdivision and the various legislative frameworks. These include the Victoria Planning Provisions, zones and overlays, particular and general provisions, covenants and public open space contributions. The course includes practical hands-on exercises.



There are many different routes for development to be approved under the Queensland planning system.



This two day course is designed for ALL professionals.

Public involvement in decision making is critical to ACG次元网 practice. Planners, and particularly those interested in becoming Registered Planners, need to demonstrate understanding, awareness of and competency in engagement, in taking community concerns into account and providing feedback on how their input influenced decisions. Planners also need to understand what it takes to genuinely collaborate for decision making including to generate alternatives and identify preferred solutions.

This course aims to provide an immersion in the application of PIA and other professional association standards and frameworks as they relate to the effective integration of public perspectives into the ACG次元网 processes.



You will hear from our industry experts on Calculation of gross floor area.



This session aims to provide planners with an understanding of air quality (acoustic) terms, methodology and trends

Michael Lanchester from Stantec will cover the essentials of acoustics and air quality for planners who are preparing or assessing a town planning development application.



This half-day training programme is focussed on understanding the fundamental importance of planning for land use and transport together rather than separately and provide Australian and overseas best practice, and practical tips and traps for how to implement this in practice.



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

This course covers the difference between the statutory and strategic context of the Victorian planning system, the layers of policy and the day-to-day process requirements of the planning office including statutory processes, decision making, enforcement and VCAT procedures. Practical workshops will cover scenarios for the application of zones and overlays and permit requirements, with a focus on most frequently asked questions.



Biophilia is more than a preference, its an instinct. In our modern habitat – a built environment that has traditionally separated us from the natural world – we are neglecting our need to connect with nature. However, within design, planning and city making there is an increasing awareness of the importance of biophilia to our individual and collective wellbeing as well as the enjoyment of our city space. This course introduces participants to biophilic and regenerative design theories and research, the principles and elements of biophilic design and discuss case studies to understand how planners can support its integration into the places we create.



In the face of rapid change, now is the time to be proactive in planning for Tasmania’s future. Agility is needed in response to population fluctuations, our demographics are shifting, new industries are emerging and housing is not keeping pace with our needs. How can we best plan for these challenges, while ensuring our approaches remain flexible to adapt to changing needs as they emerge? What role does new technology such as AI play in responding to rapid change? The conference will explore the opportunities for planning to respond to change to ensure Tasmania’s continued prosperity amidst evolving challenges.

  • SAYP

2024 SAYP Quiz Night

  • In-person
  • 13 Sep 24


The 2024 SAYP Quiz Night is a night full of laughter and antics, and remember... what happens at the Quiz Night stays at the Quiz Night!

Grab your friends and colleagues to make a table of 6 or 8 and have a fun night out!



This two day course is designed for VIC professionals.

The ‘ResCode’ residential development standards are a key aspect of the Victorian planning system and central to the assessment of residential development applications of up to four storeys. This 1.5 day intensive course provides planners with an understanding of Clauses 54 and 55. The collaborative workshop provides participants with an opportunity to assess an actual development proposal against each ResCode objective and standard and learn when and how discretion should be used to vary the ResCode standards.

The course uses plan reading and spatial measurement skills, as well as other tools such as ShadowDraw and an analysis of VCAT case law and Practice Notes which will assist planners in assessing development applications.



This course will look at areas where there are obligations in the Planning Act 2016 and Planning Regulation 2017 to consider elements in the Building Act 1975 and Building Regulation 2021. These provisions are generally included in the relevant categorising instruments.



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

This course will provide an overview of the contemporary approach to landscape and visual impact assessment and an understanding of why this is important. In order to achieve this, the course will review the philosophy, history and context of landscape and aesthetic appraisal.

Additionally, we will explore the differences between Australian (state) and international guidance. Different types of landscape and visual reports will be compared to enable practitioners to scope and review the assessments. Through case studies, a workshop and field trip we will apply the assessment guidelines in a real-world setting.



Recorded on 21 September 2023.

Don’t look now, but UrbanTech change is on the horizon, and the change is going to offer the ACG次元网 profession new opportunity like we are seeing with the PlanTech agenda.

In this PlanTech webinar we unpack some critical issues relating to digital connectivity, technology deployment and public realm stewardship.



This full day course is designed for ALL professionals.

This course is designed to empower planners in the realm of raster analysis, which is a complement to vector layers.

Equip yourself with the skills to perform complex geospatial calculations, produce insightful maps, and make informed decisions.



This half day course is designed for NSW professionals.

Regional NSW focussed

The statutory planning controls contained in local environmental plans inevitably require updating, whether it is in response to a wide scale strategic planning exercise or changes in site specific circumstances. A ACG次元网 proposal is the mechanism to achieve this, and may relate to a change of zone or specific development standards, or both!



This half day course is designed for professionals in all locations.

This half-day workshop will provide a deeper understanding of what urban designers do. It will provide you with an urban design vocabulary and present urban design as an inclusive and collaborative process while providing practical hands-on exercises and group work.



This half-day course is designed for professionals in all locations.

Negotiation is front and centre of whats required to be an effective and successful town planner!

This short course is designed to equip town planners and related professionals with essential negotiation skills to navigate confidently within the planning context. Negotiation is a crucial aspect of town planning, as it involves working with diverse stakeholders, addressing conflicting interests, and finding mutually beneficial solutions. Participants will gain practical insights into effective negotiation strategies tailored specifically to the field of town planning.



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

Join experts in strategic and statutory planning for a full day workshop on the development of places and spaces that encourage health and wellbeing.



This course is designed for professionals in all locations.

Everyone is talking place but what does that mean for planners? This interactive online workshop will introduce the theory and fundamentals of placemaking as the process of creating self-activating and successful town centres and neighbourhoods that are better for people.



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

The PRS (Preliminary Risk Screening) is the new kid on the block that will simplify the assessment of potentially contaminated land to provide a more consistent and proportionate screening assessment approach. The PRS assessment option came into effect from 1 July 2021 along with other changes introduced by the Environment Protection Act 2017 and associated Regulations.

This course is designed to introduce the new PRS assessment approach and update participants’ knowledge of current contaminated land issues in planning. It explains how statutory and strategic planners can identify potentially contaminated land, navigate the PRS approach and implement the outcomes of a scoped environmental audit.



The Housing and Productivity Contribution will apply to development applications and applications for complying development certificates made on or after 1 October 2023. The draft Ministerial planning order that brings the Housing and Productivity Contribution into effect has now been publicly released.



The management of water quality and quantity is becoming an increasingly important issue in development assessment.

Best practice water management is more than an engineering exercise; it involves designing, integrating, implementing and managing water solutions to meet safety, health, environmental and aesthetic requirements.



This course is designed for professionals in all locations.

How can you use place data to better inform planning? This workshop introduces the concept and practice of place measurement with a focus on Main Street viability and neighbourhood liveability.



This half day course is designed for VIC professionals.

Covid has exacerbated sea change / tree change forces that has significantly reduced the availability of rental accommodation in many regional areas. Housing for workers is critical for many industries including agriculture. Shortages of off farm accommodation can lead many farmers to look to improve accommodation options on farm, where traditionally this was not needed to be on site for welfare or safety issues.

Housing on farmland has been a difficult issue for many years. When are dwellings justified for agriculture? How can the planning system support multiple dwellings on farms when they are needed for farming, for instance a farm-manager’s dwelling on a large dairy farm? When is temporary accommodation appropriate on a farm for seasonal workers? How can the planning system, government and developers work together to provide appropriate and affordable accommodation off farm for agriculture and other workers?

  • Social


Please join us for casual afterwork drinks to catch up with planners (or likeminded professionals!) in your area



The WA Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) is the peak environmental agency in WA and is responsible for carrying out our environment impact assessments (EIA) of significant proposals, many of which are ACG次元网 proposals or have significant planning implications.

Planners and developers have certain obligations under both the WA Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act) and the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. (EPBC Act) concerning ACG次元网 proposals and scheme amendments, and so an understanding of both Acts is vital.

This one-day course is a detailed coverage of the two EIA processes, focusing on the WA process.



This full day course is designed for ALL professionals.

Planners routinely negotiate as part of their role. They may need to negotiate with the public, residents’ groups, developers and colleagues – whether in house or inter-agency.

This workshop provides the opportunity to learn skills to negotiate confidently within the planning context. It includes tools for effective preparation and practical strategies for influence and persuasion.



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

This interactive course 'decodes' the jargon of traffic and parking, explains the concepts and provides you with real skills. On completion of the course you will feel confident in discussing concepts with consultants, traffic engineers and the community.

The course covers the essentials needed to analyse applications that involve traffic or parking considerations including the calculation of parking demand, how to read parking ratios, measuring the compliance of car parking dimensions and parking credits. The course also includes the role of traffic engineers and the application of parking surveys and analysis.



This half-day course is designed for professionals in all locations.

This course introduces participants to spatial data sources, and basic Geographic Information Systems (GIS).



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

This module is designed to help understand the process of undertaking robust and relevant research to provide the evidence base for recommendations for planning interventions such as changing a height control or determining the most appropriate zone for a parcel of land. You will learn techniques to map and measure, where to find relevant information and how to analyse data to develop meaningful and achievable recommendations.



This half day course is designed for VIC professionals.

The Environment Protection Act 2017 (EP Act 2017) and related sub-legislative instruments provides a preventative approach to environmental management for Victoria that focusses on preventing pollution impacts rather than managing those impacts after they have occurred.

This course is designed to assist planners and related professionals with the skills and knowledge they will need to better understand and implement the environment protection framework and its integration with the Victorian planning system. It will cover key elements of the environment protection framework and implications for ACG次元网 practice as well as explaining relevant guidance to assist planners.



Many of us leave the written outputs for a large project until the end, or we’re required to produce a written report in little time. Strategically planning ahead is inherent in what we do – despite this, we tend not to apply these skills to our report writing.



Understanding authentic Aboriginal engagement is rapidly becoming a core skill for ACG次元网 practitioners. Join us for this forum where Aboriginal business Nyungar Birdiyia will deliver a unique cultural exchange and partnership-building experience, giving planning and design professionals deeper insight into the value of engagement with the world’s oldest civilisation and culture.



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

This course covers the difference between the statutory and strategic context of the Victorian planning system, the layers of policy and the day-to-day process requirements of the planning office including statutory processes, decision making, enforcement and VCAT procedures. Practical workshops will cover scenarios for the application of zones and overlays and permit requirements, with a focus on most frequently asked questions.



You will hear from our industry experts on how to apply to Modify, or to make a DA for Alterations and Additions.



The Queensland Women in Planning Network’s Development Series is back for 2024.

The 2024 ‘Know your’ Development Series continues to recognise the importance of developing soft skills – an importance that cannot be overstated in today’s rapidly evolving professional landscape.



This half-day course is designed for professionals in all locations.

This course focuses on the basics of project management for planners, and how to manage a project whether that be a development application, strategic plan or other project from concept to delivery.



This course explores the basic legal framework for planning in Western Australia.



This half day course is designed for VIC professionals.

This course explores the basic legal framework of planning in Victoria.

The Course will identify and analyse the legal knowledge required for planning in Victoria, including knowledge about:

  • the Victorian Planning Provisions and the planning scheme amendment process;

  • applying for a permit;

  • considering a permit application;

  • reviewing or appealing a decision or seeking a declaration; and

  • Ministerial call in powers.



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

This module will provide an overview of how to make the most of the planning scheme review process that needs to be completed every four years, as required under Section 12B of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Drawing on published advice from DELWP as well as experience from many Council reviews across the state, you will learn the steps that you should follow to undertake a meaningful and thorough review, and how to identify and strategically justify changes that need to be made to your planning scheme as a result. You will leave this course with lots of tools to help you with your next review.



This course is designed for NSW professionals.

This workshop will provide an overview of climate change resilience and adaptation concepts, further exploring the role of planning in considering and addressing risks from climate change impacts and a particular focus on natural hazards.



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

This course will explain the role and duties of an expert witness and the purpose of expert evidence. It provides guidance on giving and receiving instructions, matters to consider and include when preparing an expert evidence statement, cross examination and tips for dealing with difficult questions under examination.



Understanding the motivations, challenges and risks that stakeholders including developers, operators and funders are facing is essential if planners are to be effective in designing and planning for our cities, towns and communities.



The first step to establish the parameter s of a development application is to confirm the correct land use definition.



This workshop will explain how to best utilise a clause 4.6 variation request to successfully achieve a variation of the applicable development standards.



This full-day course is designed for professionals in all locations.

This course focuses on strategic risk-based land use planning for flood hazard. It provides practical advice to inform strategic planning, land use and development policy.



This half day course is designed for VIC professionals.

This course provides an overview of approaches to assess the need and plan for social infrastructure. It will provide an overview of key concepts, inputs and processes to develop a community infrastructure needs assessment and share best practice examples and models for community infrastructure delivery.



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

This course demystifies the language of urban design to improve planners' confidence in dealing both with urban design issues and designers. Urban design is about creating rather than regulating. To assist the creative process, various tools are available including urban design frameworks and urban context reports. There are also good design principles with a long history of application in delivering successful urban outcomes.

The course covers what urban designers do, provides an urban design vocabulary, presents urban design as an inclusive and collaborative process and provides a ‘hands-on’ application.



Recorded on 26 October 2023.

We all know we need to care about protecting privacy. We also all want to ensure we respect ethical and legal obligations when it comes to the use of emerging technologies like AI... But where do we start? Where does the data go? What even are our obligations as public servants and business owners?

These have been common questions raised in PIA PlanTech briefings, and so, we have invited Tim de Sousa, an expert in information governance and emerging technologies, to present this briefing and Q&A session. This session is recommended for anyone looking to implement emerging technologies into their practice.



This half day course is designed for NSW professionals.

Whether your Statements of Environmental Effects effectively delivers your message can be the difference between a smooth or frustrating development process.


2024 PLANET | Local Character

  • In-person
  • 30 Oct 24


Assessing and understanding local character is arguably one of the most contentious aspects of planning



This full day course is designed for ALL professionals.

This course introduces planners to GIS mapping. It is designed for novice users to help them produce maps and analyses to industry standard that can be used in other CAD software or typical reports. Participants gain an understanding of core concepts so they can produce digital maps in their daily work.

Much of the course is devoted to hands-on application using real information and examples from planning cases. At the end of the day, participants will be able to find data, including aerial photographs and census, and use it to produce basic maps for planning applications such as strategic plans, community analysis, transport planning and much more.



This half day course is designed for ALL professionals.

Parks and recreation amenities are crucial to strong, healthy, liveable places. Ensuring provision of public open space is strategically prioritised though our local and state government planning systems is key to the success of our town, cities, and landscapes.

If you are considering commencing work on a new strategy, either to undertake in-house or developing a brief for a consultant, this course will walk you through the potential elements to include and factors to consider for each.



This presentation by Mark Case aims to provide planners with an understanding of the terminology, methodology and trends in economic analysis.

  • Social


Please join us for casual afterwork drinks to catch up with planners (or likeminded professionals!) in your area.



This half day course is designed for professionals in all locations.

Over recent decades, a range of forces have functioned to undermine the economic viability and social vitality of main street retailing precincts.


Join us to congratulate the 2024 ACT recipients of the PIA Awards for Planning Excellence!



The essential awards showcasing the very best work across planning in Western Australia.



This half day course is designed for VIC professionals.

Infill development in heritage areas can be contentious, with polarised views between the local community, designer, developer and planning authority. This program aims to give a brief background about diverging views on architectural design in heritage areas.

More particularly, it aims to give a context for interpreting what might and might not constitute appropriate design outcomes through the parameters of: the significance of the heritage place; integrity of heritage neighbourhoods; and State and Local Planning policies. Specific infill development types are outlined and explored that a range of illustrated case studies.



This course is designed for NSW professionals.

This course will provide you with a practical and robust introduction to the NSW ACG次元网 System.



The New South Wales Awards for Planning Excellence demonstrate leading practice, leadership and achievement in planning and the ACG次元网 profession.



This full day course is designed for VIC professionals.

You've got your first job as a planner and you don't know what to do. How do you work out the zone and overlay? What is the parent provision and how is it different to the schedule? What's a permit trigger and how do you find it? How do you define a use? Why do you need a 'building and works' permit under the planning scheme? How do you know when policy or other 'rules' kick in? Why does everyone use 'Rescode' interchangeably with Clause 54, 55 and 56? How do you make a decision? You are not alone. Help is at hand. This course is the lifeline you need to get you through those first overwhelming months as a planner.


Come and celebrate the Planning Profession! Join Award Nominees and the wider planning community to celebrate over lunch at the Celebration of Planning Award Ceremony on Friday 15 November at The Windsor Hotel.



The term 'ACG次元网 purpose' can be used in a multitude of situations, including when preparing conditions or when seeking an extension application. This seminar will discuss and interrogate this term and what it means for development applications



Women and Planning: in conversation with Lindsey Richards, the RTPI President.



You will hear from our industry experts on Zone Objectives and Characterising Development.



This half-day course is designed to provide an overview of planning and the Queensland planning system to non-planners. It will cover the fundamental outcomes of an effective planning system, the role of and interrelationships between strategic planning and development assessment, key concepts, language and components underpinning the Queensland planning system, and how to navigate it.



This full day course is designed for ALL professionals.

Parks and recreation amenities are crucial to strong, healthy, liveable places. Ensuring provision of public open space is strategically prioritised though our local and state government planning systems is key to the success of our town, cities, and landscapes. Understanding the quality, accessibility and performance of public spaces is critical to delivering places to meet community needs. While information related to the amount of open space is typically available, the quality of these spaces is not. Quality of experience is crucial to determine the success of an open space network and to understand gaps and priorities.

This course will guide you through techniques for measuring park performance, function, and user experience.



This half day course is designed for VIC professionals.

PPF content for climate change adaptation is narrow and does not recognise that cllimate and sustainability are core concern for agricultural producers who fund agricultural research into climate change adaptation and sustainability.

Planning Guidelines for renewable energy provide little guidance in relation to how to consider the decision guidelines within the farming zone.

This course is aimed at providing a basic understanding of the different commodities and productions systems that operate within a range of climatic conditions. It provides information on how agricultural industry is investing in research and deveopment so that to reduce emissions intensity while continuing to produce high quality and affordable food and fibre in a sustainable manner. It aims to give planners confidence as to about agricultural innovations so that you can make triple bottom line assessments?



This course is designed for professionals in all locations.

This course is aimed at equipping planners and other built environment professionals with key knowledge about the interactions between the planning system, the feasibility of developments and the likely impacts of strategic plans on the built form in Australian cities and regions. Australian is riddled with examples of planning schemes with grand visions of the future built environment, only to see the outcomes foiled by the simple fact that developers could not make a profit “building out” the plans.



This full day course is designed for ALL professionals.

What trends or patterns are on my planning study area? How could I produce highly communicative maps using GIS data? This course focuses on giving participants the necessary skills to produce planning analysis and high-quality maps for reports and presentations.



Recorded on 28 November 2023.

A different kind of yarn to close the year as we reflect on the results of the referendum and what next for allyship. A chance to meet some new members of the Planning with Country Knowledge Circle and hear from them as well as build some relationships and strategy to take into the new year.



PIA WA, WPN WA & YP are delighted to invite you and your colleagues to celebrate and reflect on the year and celebrate .

Join us for an evening of celebration, drinks, canapes and catching up with friends.



Recorded on 6 December 2023.

Prioritising our communities is essential in digital planning. Participatory online mapping (also known as public participation GIS or PPGIS) is an increasingly popular method to ensure community voices are heard in ACG次元网 processes, but one that is still new to many planners in Australia.



Course material online - complete in your own time

This unit deals with the roles of legislation and governance in the preparation and implementation of ACG次元网 policy, planning instruments and development assessment. It provides a perspective on contemporary ACG次元网 practice in legislation, regulation, plan-making and the administrative and decision-making context within these activities occur.



Recorded on 24 January 2024.

Let’s start 2024 with a safe space for a difficult conversation. How to show our allyship in relation to January 26th? Emotions are high. Political sensitivities on alert. Intercultural relationships are fragile.

How can we approach the complexity of January 26th from an individual, organisational and community perspective?

Hear from members of the PIA Knowledge Circle in relation to their own stories and reflections. Identify your own stance in our ‘safe space to yarn about tricky stuff’.



Recorded on 29 February 2024.

We are excited to invite you to the launch of the AI in Development Assessment Guidance Note, with a guest talk from Pia Andrews, one of Australia's most experienced and influential people working in digital government reform.

  • WPN WA


WPN WA International Women’s Day Breakfast 2024

The Women in Planning Network WA (WPN WA) invites you for breakfast as we celebrate International Women’s Day and present the Women in Planning Network Achiever Award and Leadership Award.



Recorded on 1 May 2024

At this briefing PIA will launch our new PlanTech Best Practice Guidelines. The first document of its kind to be tailored to planners, the guideline introduces practical and well-tested approaches to digital innovation.



Perth and Peel @3.5 million includes ambitious targets to house communities in areas on and near busy urban corridors, in activity centres and station precincts. To do this, our major streets must be more than just vehicle arterials, they will become important places for community, too. If well-designed they can be places we walk, cycle, and catch transit; places to stop and pick up a morning coffee; places to meet a friend; and places to live.

In Perth, there has been progression towards the Movement and Place approach gaining recognition and being tested and adopted. We have the opportunity to reconsider our streets to recognise their place value as well as their movement function.

This session will help you prepare for those considerations in your local area.



Recorded 30 May 2024

Urban ACG次元网 practice is increasingly adopting new and emerging technologies to support the decision-making processes and assist in achieving planning objectives. In the UK planning reform is increasingly focused on how technology can be leveraged to enhance the efficiency of the ACG次元网 process, while also enabling ‘planners to get on with planning’.



PIA WA Regional Conference 2025 | City of Greater Geraldton



Recorded - 9 February 2021

This seminar highlights, through current case studies, the value of planning (and planners) in bringing iconic projects to life.



Recorded - 3 August 2021

The COVID-19 crisis has changed many aspects of life we had taken for granted, including how we get around. For some, public transport is no longer an option, but does that mean always taking the car? We could ride or walk, but what about the hills and the heat?



Recorded - 6 July 2021

Planning is motivated by a desire to create better communities. ACG次元网 for social equity means being cognisant that ACG次元网 practices can have a disparate impact on certain communities and there is a need to actively work with affected residents to create better communities for everyone.



Recorded - 8 June 2021

In the aftermath of the pandemic, our cities and towns will require unprecedented economic support from all levels of government to rebuild. The pandemic will also have long lasting changes to the way our cities function and indeed to us as their residents.



Recorded - 11 May 2021

2020 has seen the need for Australians to develop skills in resilience and adaption in a multitude of ways.
Planning professionals are able to impact the built environment which in turn may help or hinder the bounce back that people have in their recovery from natural disasters or medical crises.



Recorded - 13 April 2021

This seminar provides a collaboration of ideas and real examples of how to incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, culture and tradition in planning.



Recorded - 16 March 2021

This seminar explored the interaction between planning and politics and how one can and should shape the other to benefit communities. Each speaker has diverse expertise - they are planners & their experiences cover pivotal roles in the ACG次元网 process.



Recorded - 12 July 2021

This seminar covers:
Things to consider before accepting an expert retainer;
The role of an expert witness;
The obligations on an expert witness;
Joint and individual reports;
Tips and traps for giving evidence.



Recorded - 14 June 2021

Ths seminar covers:
The minor change test;
Other changes;
When does an other change need a new approval;
Relevant recent case law.



Recorded - 17 May 2021

This seminar covers:
The test for lawful conditions;
Tips for drafting lawful conditions;
Relevant recent case law.



Recorded - 19 April 2021

This seminar covers:
What is an other relevant matter;
When is an other relevant matter relevant;
Recent case law.



Recorded - 15 March 2021

This seminar covers:
Currency periods under the Planning Act;
Transitional currency periods under the Planning Act;
Applications to extend currency periods under the Planning Act;
Relevant recent case law.



Recorded - 15 February 2021

This seminar explores the interactions between the Planning Act and the Environmental Protection Act with particular reference to procedural requirements.



Recorded - 16 August 2021

This seminar provides a deep dive into:
The new definition of use, and particularly ancillary uses;
The definition of a material change of use and when a change in scale and intensity becomes a material change of use.

  • WIPN


Recorded - 18 August 2021

The session was interactive but largely guided by the following:
Finding your lane, being true to yourself, career progression
Getting leadership opportunities – how do you get the exposure, or step up?
Balancing choices, life stages, and career progression – Horizontal and/or vertical shifts
Flexibility in leadership choices and opportunities – how do you get/make the opportunities?



Recorded - 7 September 2021

This seminar examines how environmental values are addressed through ACG次元网 policies and development applications and discusses how we might innovate in environmental management.



Recorded - 13 September 2021

This seminar explores:
The call in process, procedures and rights, and subsequent dealings with an application that has been called in and decided; and
The Ministerial Infrastructure Designation process and acting under a MID.

  • WIPN


Recorded - 15 September 2021

The session was interactive but will be largely guided by the following:
Focus on real world negotiation skills (not necessarily town ACG次元网 profession specific)
Skills training regarding effective negotiation – How to successfully negotiate
Negotiating a pay rise/ navigating a performance review
Negotiating flexible work arrangements and contracts
How to navigate negotiations and how to best prepare Bold Leadership



Recorded - 12 October 2021

Planning in regional areas can, at times, be challenging in different ways to planning that is undertaken in more urban areas. Regional areas often have hidden gems that can form catalysts for development, but there may also be conflicts between uses in the rural/urban interface areas. This seminar seeks to highlight the possibilities that planning within the regions is able to unlock to provide economic prosperity and development opportunities.

  • WIPN


Recorded - 20 October 2021

The session was interactive but guided by the following:

- Communicating with impact / assertiveness
- How to articulating your value – self promotion and selling your skills
- Networking and how to differentiate yourself in the mark



Recorded - 9 November 2021

We all produce waste in our daily lives and as our population increase so does our waste generation. This seminar brings toward views from the private sector and the State Government, both of whom are seeking to make waste a more sustainable product by being recycled and reused to manage the waste we create.



Recorded - 1 November 2021

The seminar covers:
- what are existing use rights;
- existing use right protections under the Planning Act;
- the abandonment of existing use rights;
- relevant recent case law.



Recorded - 16 November 2021

This seminar provides an introduction to the appeal process in the P&E Ct – from filing an appeal to getting judgment and everything in between.



Recorded - 15 February 2022

This seminar highlighted how we can do our strategic planning and planning instruments better. This session, with two speakers from the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government & Planning, shared their learnings and experiences in strategic planning and discuss how strategic planning needs to manifest a clear intent and direction for development. They also provided some guidance about how to better align land use and infrastructure planning.



Recorded - 21 February 2022

This seminar explored the difference between the change mechanisms under the Planning Act..



Recorded - 7 March 2022

The seminar covers:
- What role a submitter has in both the application process and the appeal period
- What weight is given to a submission
- What rights and obligations does a submitter have
- How does an applicant interact with a submitter



Recorded - 15 March 2022

Alyssa Cameron, Executive Director, Office of the Coordinator-General, spoke on the importance of the legislative framework for social impact assessment under the Strong and Sustainable Resource Communities Act 2017 and the statutory SIA Guideline for resource projects and application to non-resource projects.

Vanessa Bennett, Managing Director, C Change Sustainable Solutions discussed her recent experience in the P&E Court regarding social impact assessments and Social Impact Management Plans, and what she regards as the need for further compliance requirements to ensure that the basis upon which approvals are granted are implemented.



Recorded - 29 March 2022

This seminar covers:
- Reviving a lapsed application
- The Court’s role as a responsible entity.



Recorded - 19 April 2022

COVID-19 has had a undeniable impact on how we live and work. The nature of work has been forever changed with COVID-19 accelerating the uptake of technology and flexible work arrangements. Life during the pandemic reconnected many of us to a world that had been right under our noses - our local neighbourhoods. Remote working and other abrupt lifestyle shifts meant local parks and shops became busy and our highways empty, and in some cases local coffee and takeaway was found to be good and neighbours friendly.



Recorded - 3 May 2022

The seminar will covers how each of these pieces of legislation will operate and interact with each other.



Recorded - 24 May 2022

This seminar brought together two speakers from both the public and private sector who have extensive experience with community engagement and consultation methods. The seminar focused on what innovative ways engagement can be undertaken and also looked at what might be lacking and what improvements can be made, could there be more forward thinking to better utilise the technologies that we have at hand.



Recorded - 21 June 2022

Climate change requires our entire society to be thinking ahead and making plans on how we can adapt. So what can planners add to this vital area of work? Our two speakers are Dorean Erhart, Director of Linden Climate Advisory and Greg Fisk, Global Lead in Climate Risk and Resilience at BMT.



Recorded - Tuesday 26 July 2022

We all need somewhere to live but that doesn’t always mean that housing is affordable or in the best location. One of the challenges for planners is to provide a good mix of housing in a variety of locations to try and cater for a mix of needs. Two such companies who are rising to this challenge are Stockland through their Aura development and Brisbane Housing Company who are doing great work within Brisbane City to provide affordable housing projects across the city.



Recorded - Tuesday 7 June 2022

The seminar covers:
- What are the rules for assessable development requiring code assessment
- What the are rules for assessable development requiring impact assessment
- relevant recent case law and some tips and tricks for applicants and assessment managers.



Recorded - 19 July 2022

The seminar covers:
- the Coty Principle
- making piecemeal applications
- what are ‘relevant matters’



Recorded - 2 August 2022

This seminar provides a deep dive into the Queensland koala legislation, including prohibited development, exemptions, how this interacts with the Planning Act.



Recorded - Tuesday 16 August 2022

Housing supply in South East Queensland has been a significant topic for many years, but COVID is proving to be a catalyst for a hot market. This seminar brings together two experienced speakers who discussed this topic and presented the trends and options for managing, monitoring and addressing housing supply for years to come.



Recorded - 16 September 2022

This seminar explores:
- how to interpret development approvals, in the event of some ambiguity or doubt
- what can practically be done to resolve these issues



Recorded - 4 October 2022

This seminar will explore:
- how to interpret development approvals, in the event of some ambiguity or doubt
- what can practically be done to resolve these issues



Recorded - 31 October 2022

This seminar will provide an introduction to the infrastructure charging legislation in Queensland and provide information on:
- trunk vs non trunk infrastructure
- which entities are able to charge for infrastructure
- what can be charged for
- can infrastructure charges be appealed
- what is the power of the Court



Recorded - 28 September 2022

There can be a tension between architecture and planning, in part because of a site-based rather than community-based orientation. However, both orientations are essential and they share one inescapable value – good design lifts our spirits and makes us proud of our local and wider environments. So what have the last couple of years taught us about design values? Have new design trends emerged? Are they of the moment or are there long-term implications? Are our planning schemes sufficiently flexible to accommodate them? How strong a role should planning schemes assume in all this?



Recorded - 18 October 2022

This seminar brings two speakers together, from two different parts of the development world. The speakers will provide their perspective on the need to balance differing views and provide their take on how competing interests are and should be managed. They will also look to at why we need to think forward on alternative and innovative outcomes to ensure the continued growth and success of SEQ cities.



Recorded - 15 November 2022

Our decisions around how we move about our cities, towns and regions is a very important one in terms of economics, infrastructure, climate change and carbon footprint.

This seminar brings toward views from both New Zealand and Australia to discuss innovations about the way that transport can have an impact on our health, our carbon footprint and make our cities and regions operate more efficiently.



Recorded - 15 February 2023

This seminar will kick off the Olympics legacy series by unpacking what is meant by legacy and what is hoped to be achieved by the work done by the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games Legacy Committee and Brisbane City Council.



Recorded - 15 March 2023

This seminar will discuss how planners and other associated professions will be able to capitalise on the Brisbane 2032 Games with respect to inclusivity across multiple sectors within Queensland..



Recorded - 3 May 2023

Much of the focus in recent times has been on housing, whether it be in the areas of supply, affordability or design. The opportunity that the Olympics and Paralympics presents for long lasting legacy in the area of housing cannot be understated.



Recorded - 17 May 2023

The Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games will be climate positive. This seminar will explore what this means and how planners can get involved in ensuring that climate positivity is achievable.



Recorded - 21 June 2023

This seminar will discuss how transport can make or break a good event and transport infrastructure projects have the capability to transform a suburb, city or region. A well thought out transport plan is key to a successful event and can have last impacts into the future.



Recorded - 7 February 2023

This seminar will focus on what constitutes common material in the context of the decision rules under the Planning Act 2016.



Recorded - 7 March 2023

The COVID 19 pandemic has seen substantial impacts around the world, including impacts in the development applications and approvals. The Queensland Government has taken several steps to help mitigate the impacts of the pandemic.



Recorded - 18 April 2023

Since the concept of native title was introduced to Australia law in the early 1990s, there have been several key pieces of legislation and case law that has recognised and protected native title and its co-existence with the national land management system and tenure system.

This seminar will de-mystify the Native Title Act, what the significance of Native Title is and how it interacts with the town planning system.



Recorded - 30 May 2023

The State Planning Policy came into effect in 2017.

The SPP intends to ensure that the State’s interests in planning are protected and delivered as part of local government planning across Queensland.



Recorded - 6 June 2023

The test of reasonable or relevant conditions has been imbedded in Queensland planning law for decades. This test has been addressed in multiple appeals to the Planning and Environment Court.

It is regularly referred to as reasonable and relevant’. Is this correct? Can a condition be reasonable but not relevant (or vice versa)?



Recorded - 11 July 2023

This seminar seeks to demystify the rules around exemption certificates



Recorded - 15 August 2023

The Planning and Environment Court (P&E Court) is governed by the Planning and Environment Court Act and hears appeals and matters related to development assessment decisions.

This seminar will seek to cut through the sheer volume of appeals and matters and draw some conclusions around trends that are often going to appeal and how these are being dealt with by the Court.



Recorded - 5 September 2023

Local laws are governed by the Local Government Act 2009.

The introduction of short term accommodation through intermediary websites has seen an explosion of home owners renting out their residences to holiday makers and those seeking short stay accommodation.

This seminar will explain what local laws are and discuss the short term accommodation use as a case study.


Recorded - 1 August 2023

Housing diversity and supply are two major challenges facing all levels of governments across the country. With local governments tasked with much of the heavy lifting in this area, especially from a ACG次元网 perspective, this seminar will provide insights into the great work being done within our Queensland local governments to address the housing crisis.


Recorded - 4 September2023

The QLD State Government has released the Draft Shaping SEQ Regional Plan - 2023 Update for public consultation. This seminar will provide analysis and commentary from leading planning industry professionals about the draft plan.




Recorded - 9 August 2023

Renewable energy projects are an exciting, yet challenging type of project that is happening across Queensland. What can a proponent, local government or State government agency do to assist in the delivery of these vital projects?



Recorded - 3 October 2023

Planning need is a concept imbedded in both the Planning Act 2016, along with planning case law. But what does this actually mean?



Recorded - 6 November 2023

The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) is the Australian Government's key piece of environmental legislation which commenced 16 July 2000.

What are the objectives of the Act and how does this impact on development applications?



Recorded - 17 October 2023

Consultation can be a highly contentious space, with multiple stakeholders, different opinions and technical information which need to be balanced and weighed against other considerations. Beyond the statutory minimums, how is a community consultation program delivered to be fair, transparent, legitimate and workable?



Recorded - 21 November 2023

The natural environment is an important part of the places we live in. Protecting biodiversity, providing green spaces that people can enjoy and creating pleasant environments for people to live in are valuable to all the projects we do.



Recorded - 11 March 2024

Join our Climate Conscious Working Group for a brefing on PIA Qld's ACG次元网 for Extreme Heat Practice Notes.



The seminar was recorded on 19 March 2024

So you have a development approval, but changes need to be made. What is the best process to use and what considerations are to taken into account?



The seminar was recorded on 20 February 2024

Queensland's Human Rights Act 2019 protects 23 human rights in law. The Act requires each arm of government to act compatibly with these human rights, including State government departments, local councils and non-government organisations, such as local businesses.



The seminar was recorded on 7 February 2024

This session will involve an explanation of some of the fundamental concepts and practicalities of ecological assessment will be provided together with how they should be put together in ecological reports.



The seminar was recorded on 5 March 2024

The traffic implications of development are one of the major issues that have to be considered by State and local governments at the strategic level and applicants and decision makers at the development assessment level.

Dealing with traffic impacts often requires co-operation at all levels of government and can have significant financial consequences.



The seminar was recorded on 17 April 2024

Julia will explore how planning and social planning interact and how this interaction can be improved. Julia will discuss a range of technical tools and techniques, as well as the professional ‘smarts’ needed to get the best out of both disciplines.



The seminar was recorded on 1 May 2024

Heritage impact assessment is a method by which the impact of development on the cultural heritage significance of a place may be assessed. It is akin to other kinds of environmental impact assessment and forms a mandatory part of the development assessment process under the Planning Act.



The seminar was recorded on 23 April 2024

The Land Act regulates land tenure throughout Queensland, as well reserves, roads and other land matters. Planners are often called upon as witnesses in the Land Court of Queensland. So what does this mean with respect of town planning and what do planners need to know?



The seminar was recorded on 14 May 2024

The regulation of dwelling houses and secondary dwellings have been amended in recent times in response to the housing crisis.



This briefing was recorded on 2 May 2024

Join us for a briefing from Planning Group on the draft Planning Regulations, draft Ministers Guidelines and Rules (MGR) and draft Development Assessment (DA) rules.

These draft instruments have been released to support the implementation of the Housing Availability and Affordability (Planning and Other Legislation) Amendment Bill 2023.



This briefing was recorded on 17 June 2024

Join us for a lunchtime briefing from Planning Group on the implementation of State facilitated development and Incentivising Infill Development Fund.